Saturday, March 03, 2007

Ski Trip 2007

So, most of you who know us know that my sweet husband loves -- and I mean LOVES -- to ski. So, every year we take a little trip with some friends and fly down the slopes. This year was the first year in the past 4 years that we haven't gone skiing with our good friends Patrick and Martha Ann Martin. We missed them and all the excitement that they bring, but we did get to go with some other friends from church: Bart, Jeff, Jen and Chris. We had such a great time laughing and playing in God's beautiful creation. It snowed every single day we were there, all day long. So we had great conditions to play in. Honestly, we couldn't have asked for better.
This is us one day that we took off from Breckinridge, and skied Beaver Creek.
And here are our good friends Jen and Chris. Jen and Michael have been friends for years and years, and we actually have her to thank for getting us together. Now, she is one of my dearest friends too.

Thanks to MawMaw and PawPaw who came down from Missouri to keep Drew and Ben for us so we could get away together!!! We love you guys!

On another note, congratulations to one of my college roomates and dearest friends, Carrie and her husband Seth on the arrival of Baby Colt!!!! He's BEAUTIFUL!!!! And I can't wait to hug and kiss on those big ole cheeks!!!! I love you guys, and I'm so thankful for your precious gift!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!


auburnchica said...

I'm so jealous of your ski trip...oh to be on vacation right now...what i wouldn't give. (sigh) Anyway, I definately agree that we should get together. I need to see your boys! Thanks for the prayers...I'm gonna need them this week! Love you!

Anonymous said...

What a great group picture--SNOW and all! I really wanted to some more this winter. Glad you guys had a good trip.

Laurie said...

glad y'all had fun on your ski trip. I know your little boys had fun being spoiled while you were gone too! Thank GOD for Grandparents!!!!!