But secondly, because we met with the home health nurse and began Ben's growth hormone therapy. Honestly, I've debated about whether or not to even post that information here. But I've decided to share that with all of you out there for two reasons: 1) because one day Ben and Drew will look back on this blog and I want them both to know about all the good and fun stuff that happens in their lives, but also about the hard stuff and the paths that we've walked together that have been a little bit tougher to go down; and 2) because we covet any and all prayers that anyone offers up on our boys' behalves. I guess I figure if you're reading this and care enough to keep up with our family, then surely you wouldn't mind praying for our sons. There's no such thing as too much of that.
So, having said all that, we began what will at least be a six month journey. It was something that both Michael and I have been dreading doing for a while, and have been praying about for months. We were very scared of the unknowns of it all, and subjecting him to something that we'd wrestled long and hard with doing in the first place. It just seemed like the kind of thing that other people deal with...not us, with our boys who seem - in every other way - happy and perfectly healthy. But we trust his doctors and we've submitted it to the Lord. So, we began. Before anything else, I have to take a minute to get on my knees in praise. Ben did great!...of course he did! And Drew was jumping up and down hugging him saying "you're so brave! you did great buddy!" and it was almost more than this mommy could take to watch these two little three year olds be there in a big way for each other. So we all had our own little celebration. We didn't tell him beforehand what was going to happen....we didn't want to give him too much time to process it all and get upset about it. And we really thought it was important to downplay it all since they always play off whatever our emotions are. All we said that morning was "a nice man is going to come over and show mommy and daddy how to give you your 'pinch' so you can get some medicine to help you grow big and strong. No big deal." Inside we were pretty nervous since we didn't know if it would hurt or not. Basically he gets an injection once a day, six days a week. So far, he doesn't even act like he feels it. There's no crying, no fussing over whether or not to do it, or where to take it. He's been so big and brave, and I can't help but feel that this is both an answer to prayer and a response that will help him through life as he deals with things that are out of his control and maybe less-than-pleasant to endure. And I also have to take a minute here to brag on how big Drew has been through this. All of the attention has been on his brother for a while now (hard for a boy who loves being in the spotlight), and the whole time he was focused on being encouraging and loving on his brother. For sure, it is our privilege to have these boys in our lives. They continue to teach me so much.
Anyways enough with all the heavy stuff, we made it through and an hour or so later, Dresie was here and all was right in the boys' world! They enjoy each other so much, and we had so much fun with Dan and Chelle. We were able to grill out, go to the pool, play water balloons and even make a trip to Chuck E Cheese (the bane of all adults existence). Here are just a few of my favorite pictures:
ohhh, I'm so jealous of your perfect tan!!! :o) Seems like a dream vacation, so glad you and Michael got the time, just the two of you! On another note, I cannot imagine how hard it was to decide on the hormone therapy for Ben. And thanks for opening up, being transparent to share that. We will definitely be praying. Love hearing how encouraging Drew was to him... I mean, sooo sweet! I know it makes you proud. Hope to get together real soon with you guys. Call me when your buddies are napping!!! Love you!
You're so cute, Heather! And, yes, TAN!
And, I am thinking about you and the boys. How's Ben doing?
MIss you!
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