Sunday, April 06, 2008

Here's a funny question:

If a tired mommy has exhausted every single trick in the book as to how to get her boys to go to sleep now that they are in their big boys beds to no avail, and she uses a last resort method of simply closing the door and ignoring anything that might be going on in the room until there is silence, what will she find when she goes back in the room?????

The answer:
Two empty beds, one buddy on the floor on top of all his blankets (can you see the top of Ben's head?), one buddy under the bed, and the remnants of a really fun party in the dark with two best friends. Good thing I took the nightlight out...or else that party may have gone on all night long.


the Wilbecks said...

Might I point out though that at least they APPEAR to be asleep!?!! :) Congrats.

Anonymous said...

Long-lost friend--This is hilarious! You are the greatest mama. :-) I'm sorry I missed your calls. Luke went on a fishing trip and dummy-me left my phone in his truck! I have been lost for the past couple of days! (without my phone). :-)

maggie and michael said...

that is too funny! maybe it will only get better from here. glad you were able to capture this moment on camera.

Blessed said...

Hilarious. Such a cute moment captured! Love it!

Sallie said...

you are such a good mama, heather! what a GREAT picture! LOVE IT!!

P said...

too precious!

jenni said...

that picture is so cute---maybe it's all downhill from here!!

The Normans! said...

SO funny! Bless your heart! I still wonder at how you do it with twins. You are amazing, Heather!!!

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

laughed out loud. hilarious. hang in there!!!

Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

funny! hopefully they are sleeping later in the morning!!!